Wednesday, June 24, 2009

GUS for smoking Kossacks. This time, it's personal (w/WGN update)


This is a flare diary for Kossacks who are interested in quitting smoking. Within a comments thread in Rosebuddear's recent diary Not smoking, day 2 came the idea to form a Kos quit-smoking challenge, or support group. One commenter posted a pre-intention to quit on Monday, July 15. Another came up with the acronym GUS (Gave Up Smoking).

And, will you look at that? From the fledgling seeds of a comment thread comes GUS (Gave Up Smoking), and the target date for quitting smoking is this Monday, June 15. Contact information for those who are interested can be found at the tail end of this diary.

"This time... it's personal" is a phrase that is commonly associated with sequels to Hollywood blockbuster action flicks. GUS is not a sequel, though Gus is the name of a bark-happy beagle, the first family pet that I remember. This is an example of making it personal, with more to follow.

Why make quitting smoking a personal matter? For chrissakes, where have you been the last fifty years? Health risks? (coff-coff) Is it not enough for you to simply decide "I don't want to die," and just put the coffin nails down? Anecdotally, some doctors and psychologists view smoking as a form of "covert suicide."

I mean, it's not like we haven't been informed, unlike those poor souls who were subject to some really examples of advertising-as-high-absurdity through much of the 20th century.

Gone are the days when cigarette brands lured a relatively more diverse cross-section of endorsees:


Professional sports figures

... feminists?

... doctors?

... puppies?

... babies??

... Santa Claus???

Fast forward to the present day, and what have we got?

We've come a long way, baby. A cartoon character. I won't rant over the aspect of Joe Camel, phallic nose and all, as subliminal drug pusher to youth culture (this can include 43 year-old Peter Pans like myself, as well). So here we go, into the heart of my current motivation to quit smoking.

I hate being lied to. Or, more pointedly, my level of disdain over being lied to is inversely proportionate to the creative effort being used to bullshit me. Those ads of the previous century? Having been born after most of them found print, I can't offer an accurate reaction, had I come across one while flipping through the pages of Life magazine. Like many, I see these ads, chuckle, and shrug my shoulders in ironic reaction to this display of kitsch, while secretly admiring the guts of these former marketing efforts. Santa Claus???

Now the cat is out of the bag. Smoking kills. On the side of what will hopefully be my last pack of cigarettes going into GUS day comes the following Surgeon General's Warning:

Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.

So while Mickey Mantle, Ronald Reagan, and the Super Feminist may have been served some cloudy data as regards cigarette smoking, well... in the current day, we're now crystal clear on this information. That any such advertising exists for a known killer of 440,000 Americans per year, much less a goddamned cartoon character, is an insult to my intelligence.

Isn't this screwed up... on my part? To repeat: the logical consequences of smoking do not factor into my decision to quit as much as a vain perception that Big Tobacco is out to hump me. But then again, and I think I speak for many smokers, if common sense applied to this life style, then most of us would have given this shit up years ago.

Jacquelyn Rogers is the author of the book You Can Stop Smoking (Powell's Books link here), and the founder of the Smokenders program. In this book, she emphasizes the importance of coming up with highly personal, even selfish reasons to quit smoking, as a means of postive motivation:

Establish a positive attitude for your reasons to quit--not as a form of self-denial or sacrifice, but as an exchange for something that is of greater value. That's an interesting twist, particularly when most smokers are used to thinking of quitting as giving up something they consider worthwhile. (p.160)

Here is my own list of very personal reasons to quit smoking.

Physical benefits (it's not just lung cancer...)

*Eyes are bright and clear; no longer blood-shot or puffy.
*It's easy to ride my bike now--even up hills.
*No longer have to accommodate pocket space for a pack of smokes.
*No more late afternoon headaches.
*Better sex!
*My apartment is cleaner, and smells better.

Social benefits (where being shamed fails, these ideas win!)

*Sat through a two-hour film without squirming past my friends to have a smoke.
*The act of smoking is aesthetically silly.
*I can concentrate on your side of a conversation without being distracted by my cigarette.
*Doing my part to be a complete human being, and not some meaningless statistic on the data sheet of some Big Tobacco Exec.

Emotional benefits (... but what about the good feelings that I'll have when I quit?)

*I am able to get things done, without being stalled by a cigarette.
*No more "where did I leave my smokes?"
*I love the support from family and friends.
*Feeling more emotionally connected helps to greater facilitate my art work.
*I feel good about giving myself an annual $2400 raise.

In wrapping this up: my big flip-off at the tobacco companies is the booster fuel I am using as motivation. But to sustain my recovery from nicotine, I invite more postive and highly-personal things I stand to gain, once the tar starts to clear my system.

SallyCat will be heading up Monday's launching of GUS. Through this week, there will be diaries from fellow Kossacks (GUSsacks?) who will be documenting their attempts to quit smoking journeys into smoke-free living. Also, bgblcklab1 is in the GUS on-deck circle, slated to post a diary tomorrow. Your encouragement and participation is much appreciated.

Also, I couldn't resist this:

Airplane: The Movie!

***** ***** *****

UPDATE X1: While manning the comments section of this diary, I had been listening to the Nick Digilio show on WGN radio (AM 720, Chicago). At the top of the hour (9PM CST), Nick broached the subject of recent cigarette taxes that have driven the cost of a pack to $8 a pack, in these parts. I phoned in, and actually got on the air! While Nick focused on the sub-topic of taxes and the cost of smoking, I gracefully managed to ease into the conversation a mention of the Daily Kos smoke-out this Monday. I will update this diary with a podcast, as soon as it is available (if you're still here at that point, I am listener "Chris from Ukranian Village").

The downside of all this: while I've been geeking out on my laptop tonight, Nick gave mention to the World Naked Bike Ride, currently happening. In Chicago. This very moment. Folks... time for me to go out and get some fresh air!

***** ***** *****

UPDATE X2: Within some comments, the issue of physical discomfort from nicotine withdrawal is mentioned. I concede to having neglected this issue in my initial post.

As happens with alcohol and heroin withdrawal, be prepared for varying levels of discomfort when you put down the smokes. There are many products available to help you do this, nicotine substitute products (gums, patches) being the most popular.

This update is not an endorsement of any particular method. I do endorse checking with your doctor. If you do not have a doctor, then by all means, give it your best shot, but be easy on yourself if is too much for you to handle at this time. As a friend of mine, a ten-year recovered smoker, told me after one of my relapses: "Every failure brings you one step closer to success, if you keep trying."


GUS! Are you ready to quit on Monday, June 15?

7%4 votes
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28%16 votes
14%8 votes
28%16 votes
5%3 votes

| 56 votes | Vote | Results

This is a very great article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists.


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