By DAWN AULET For The Herald News
Diana Zilly learned about the power of the human mind while she was still working on her degree to be a counselor.
"I learned when I was focused that I could break two boards with my palm," she said of her time learning tae kwon do. "When my mind wasn't focused, I could not break those boards."
So, when it came time for the Plainfield woman to add tools to her practice, hypnotherapy seemed like a perfect complement.
"It ties in well, there is a physiological process going on," she said. "Hypnotherapy actually allows the person to kind of take a break from their left brain chatter.
"It's a heightened state of being in the present."
Hypnotherapy in the clinical sense is used to change patterns of behavior. For example, if a client is looking to quit smoking or better control weight, hypnotherapy can be a useful tool.
Linda Herrick, owner of Alternative Soulutions in Plainfield, recently began offering hypnotherapy as well.
"My mom died last year from stage four lung cancer; she could not stop smoking," she said. "So, I wanted to help people stop smoking."
It was one of the first classes she added after becoming a certified hypnotherapist.
Changing behaviors
Hypnotherapy helps to give clients alternatives to what has become conditioned behavior.
Zilly said the idea of conditioning happens every day.
She said when people drive cars they get used to how the cars are laid out: where the gear shift is, how the windows roll down, etc. When a person gets into someone else's car, the person automatically reaches to the same areas, because of conditioning. It is like that with many things.
In addition to a smoking cessation class, Herrick also teaches hypnosis for weight management. She said emotional links to eating are reprogrammed by hypnotherapy.
"Everyone has emotional triggers to food," she said. "(Hypnotherapy) helps to separate the emotional triggers to it.
"It helps you shift into a more healthy lifestyle and helps that lifestyle to feel good."
Perhaps one of the biggest worries Zilly hears from prospective clients is that they will not be in control when they are under hypnosis.
"I've found the main fear that people have is a perceived lack of control," she said. "That is stage hypnotism.
"In reality, it's just the opposite; it's teaching the person to be in control."
Herrick agrees that her clients have the same fears.
"Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, when your mind is in theta," she said, comparing it to sleep. "Hypnosis is to get into that mental state to talk to your subconscious."
No one will bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken unless it is something they would have done anyway. And, none of those kinds of stage tricks are used in therapeutic hypnosis.
"There's no dangers in hypnosis," she said. "No one can have their will control you."
For information on Zilly, visit or call 630.... For information on Herrick, visit or call 815-439-7442.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Changing patterned behaviors
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Learn to overcome panic and anxiety
Panic attacks are terrifying and can happen without warning or reason. They are characterised by sudden fear and extreme nervousness along with the sense of going crazy or losing control.
The first time a person experiences a panic attack, he often ends up in a doctor’s surgery or the emergency room, convinced he has a serious physical condition. When he discovers that he is physically fit, he is often left bewildered and confused.
Having just one panic attack can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life, as he develops ways to avoid any situation that could instigate an attack. This can lead to a very limited, stressful, existence.
Common symptoms of panic include racing or pounding heartbeat, dizziness, loss of breath, chest pains, tingling, and fear.
Kilkenny Hypnotherapy can help you to discover how to relax, and learn to develop your natural ability to feel calm and confident in any situation, leaving panic attacks behind for good. Orla and Síona, Kilkenny’s most experienced hypnotherapists, can help you find ways to deal with a range of issues, from quitting smoking to losing weight, overcoming phobias to eliminating stress.
For more information visit or phone 056..., 086 2202000. See our voucher ad on this page.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
The first time a person experiences a panic attack, he often ends up in a doctor’s surgery or the emergency room, convinced he has a serious physical condition. When he discovers that he is physically fit, he is often left bewildered and confused.
Having just one panic attack can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life, as he develops ways to avoid any situation that could instigate an attack. This can lead to a very limited, stressful, existence.
Common symptoms of panic include racing or pounding heartbeat, dizziness, loss of breath, chest pains, tingling, and fear.
Kilkenny Hypnotherapy can help you to discover how to relax, and learn to develop your natural ability to feel calm and confident in any situation, leaving panic attacks behind for good. Orla and Síona, Kilkenny’s most experienced hypnotherapists, can help you find ways to deal with a range of issues, from quitting smoking to losing weight, overcoming phobias to eliminating stress.
For more information visit or phone 056..., 086 2202000. See our voucher ad on this page.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
EVI SHAW: It is possible to conquer childhood demons
As I was watching the news on various channels and the coverage of the Michael Jackson memorial service, it was mentioned several times that Jackson was not able to shake the demons of his childhood and let go of associated scars.
This compels me to say that experiences of an adverse childhood can be overcome and have been overcome. It is my understanding that our president’s childhood was less than ideal. Yet look at what Obama has achieved on his own, neither crediting nor blaming events of his childhood for his success.
Brian Wilson, formerly of the Beach Boys, worked through his struggles with schizophrenia with some capable and not-so-capable therapists to the point that he was able to pick up his career writing and singing songs again on his own.
One would think Jackson had access to the finest and most capable mental health providers in the world to help him overcome his childhood demons. Evidently, he fell into the trap of being medicated and then medicated more and more, to the point of no return. It could be that, later on, Jackson even refused the services of a psychotherapist, when taking medication was made easy and effortlessly available to him.
I never was a fan of his musical style, but I am truly sorry that his life ended so tragically.
I see people in my practice wanting to rid themselves of their bad childhood experiences. Some people do so successfully by letting go of old negative thoughts and feelings of the past that do not serve any purpose for them in the here and now. They are also willing to admit their parents did the best they could even though it may not always have been socially or legally appropriate.
These people quit blaming and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
Then there are people who hang on to their anger, guilt, shame, frustration and everything negative they can think of. So what can be reasonably expected from going into therapy?
Your therapist cannot make you happy by making you accept your husband is a drunk and will not quit, when you are not willing to accept the fact, but want to stay with him for financial reasons. Your therapist cannot make you happy when trust has left your marriage to the point that you hire a private investigator to keep tabs on the spouse or look at all her communications hoping to find the evidence.
Your therapist cannot quit eating for you or make you quit buying things you do not need because you want to medicate emotional hurt. These unrealistic expectations tend to produce failure in therapy, with people tending to think the therapist does not know what he is talking about or that “it” — the therapy — does not work. When therapy does not work, it is often the case that the patient or client does not want to work on his or her concerns.
Research has shown that a good relationship based on trust and liking is more important to the success of therapy than the type of therapy used. So to work through problems, find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable, and then set reasonable expectations.
Counseling serves to produce positive change. Without change people stay the same, do the same things over and over, and get the same results. Change is work for both the therapist and the patient or client.
If people are not motivated to change, chances are that therapy will produce few, if any, results.
Therapy can help people take control of their lives. Luck controls only a small percentage of our lives. We control the majority of it, despite roadblocks that will invariable occur in our lives. Some people experience more of these than others, but we all have the inner resources to function better in our lives. These resources just need to be elicited in therapy.
So if you think you are in a rut and there is no way out, find yourself a good therapist to show you the way to fix yourself and get rid of or alleviate the concern of so-called childhood demons.
Evi Shaw is a licensed professional counselor in solo private practice, a diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association and an approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Contact her at
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
This compels me to say that experiences of an adverse childhood can be overcome and have been overcome. It is my understanding that our president’s childhood was less than ideal. Yet look at what Obama has achieved on his own, neither crediting nor blaming events of his childhood for his success.
Brian Wilson, formerly of the Beach Boys, worked through his struggles with schizophrenia with some capable and not-so-capable therapists to the point that he was able to pick up his career writing and singing songs again on his own.
One would think Jackson had access to the finest and most capable mental health providers in the world to help him overcome his childhood demons. Evidently, he fell into the trap of being medicated and then medicated more and more, to the point of no return. It could be that, later on, Jackson even refused the services of a psychotherapist, when taking medication was made easy and effortlessly available to him.
I never was a fan of his musical style, but I am truly sorry that his life ended so tragically.
I see people in my practice wanting to rid themselves of their bad childhood experiences. Some people do so successfully by letting go of old negative thoughts and feelings of the past that do not serve any purpose for them in the here and now. They are also willing to admit their parents did the best they could even though it may not always have been socially or legally appropriate.
These people quit blaming and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
Then there are people who hang on to their anger, guilt, shame, frustration and everything negative they can think of. So what can be reasonably expected from going into therapy?
Your therapist cannot make you happy by making you accept your husband is a drunk and will not quit, when you are not willing to accept the fact, but want to stay with him for financial reasons. Your therapist cannot make you happy when trust has left your marriage to the point that you hire a private investigator to keep tabs on the spouse or look at all her communications hoping to find the evidence.
Your therapist cannot quit eating for you or make you quit buying things you do not need because you want to medicate emotional hurt. These unrealistic expectations tend to produce failure in therapy, with people tending to think the therapist does not know what he is talking about or that “it” — the therapy — does not work. When therapy does not work, it is often the case that the patient or client does not want to work on his or her concerns.
Research has shown that a good relationship based on trust and liking is more important to the success of therapy than the type of therapy used. So to work through problems, find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable, and then set reasonable expectations.
Counseling serves to produce positive change. Without change people stay the same, do the same things over and over, and get the same results. Change is work for both the therapist and the patient or client.
If people are not motivated to change, chances are that therapy will produce few, if any, results.
Therapy can help people take control of their lives. Luck controls only a small percentage of our lives. We control the majority of it, despite roadblocks that will invariable occur in our lives. Some people experience more of these than others, but we all have the inner resources to function better in our lives. These resources just need to be elicited in therapy.
So if you think you are in a rut and there is no way out, find yourself a good therapist to show you the way to fix yourself and get rid of or alleviate the concern of so-called childhood demons.
Evi Shaw is a licensed professional counselor in solo private practice, a diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association and an approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Contact her at
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An urgent plea to America's Smoker in Chief
Brendan Smialowski/The New York TimesAs Vice President Joe Biden looks on, President Barack Obama joins in the applause from lawmakers and representatives of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids after signing the the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act at the White House on Monday, June 22. The legislation gives the Food and Drug Administration unprecedented authority to regulate tobacco. President Barack Obama, who admits he struggles with his craving for cigarettes, should have been with us at the hospital the day surgeons removed part of my dad's tongue. It might have inspired the president to quit for good. Dad did. After battling his nicotine addiction unsuccessfully for three decades, he never smoked again after that surgery. By then, though, it was too late. His cancer finally took him a little more than a year later.
The president, like my late father, is a strong and intelligent man. That's the devilish thing about tobacco. You can be the strongest, smartest person in the room, someone like Obama or John Bates, who died last fall, and still not be able to figure out how to kick a powerful addiction to nicotine.
Some smokers manage to do it, of course. And more than a few of them are woefully self-righteous about it.
We saw that last week after Obama, pressed by reporters to talk about his smoking habit, admitted he battles with it "constantly," although he sidestepped the issue of whether he still lights up. That brought forth a barrage of blog posts from former smokers, several of whom slammed the president for being "weak" and lacking in will power.
What bunk. The truth is that precious few smokers can quit without help. And that's where our society continues to have a massive blind spot. Tobacco-caused disease has become the nation's leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 400,000 Americans every year, yet our health care system and federal government do next to nothing to help smokers who want to quit but can't conquer their cruel addiction.
Historically, nicotine addiction has been one of the most difficult of all drug addictions to break. A 1988 Surgeon General's report on it concluded that its pharmacological effects on the brain "are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine."
Ten years after that report, 46 states negotiated more than $246 billion in legal settlements against the tobacco industry for its crippling financial impact on the health care system. At the time, the states promised to spend a significant portion of the money on programs to protect kids from tobacco and help smokers like my dad quit. However, they've spent only 3.2 percent of their tobacco money -- just $6.5 billion -- on prevention and cessation programs.
Oregon ranks among the worst states at breaking this promise. In fiscal year 2009, a period when the state raked in $355 million in tobacco settlement revenue and cigarette taxes, Oregon allocated just 2.7 percent of it to protect kids and help smokers quit.
Dad tried so hard. So did my wife's father, Merle Burton. Both men got hooked on cigarettes while fighting overseas during World War II. By the time they came home they were heavy smokers and kept it up well into the 1970s before deciding to quit.
Neither could do so for long. Lung cancer killed Merle at age 58 in 1978. About that time my dad began trying nicotine patches, nicotine gum and hypnosis, over and over to no avail. The closest thing he ever got to actual help, if you could call it that, was an occasional lecture from his doctor.
Everyone marveled, though, that he never got lung disease. The official cause of death was pancreatic cancer, which doctors said was related to his smoking. He was 84 when we lost him last Oct. 9.
The president would certainly improve his own odds of living that long if he can kick what his aides describe as an "intermittent" smoking habit. In fact, he has a wonderful opportunity to provide some unprecedented leadership on the issue.
Obama has already done much. As a U.S. senator, he co-sponsored an unsuccessful bill to give the Food and Drug Administration broad authority to regulate tobacco products. Just last week, as president, he signed similar legislation recently passed by Congress.
That's huge, historic progress, but Obama could do more -- much, much more.
I'd like to see him enroll, very publicly, in a smoking cessation program. He could speak up about his struggle and demonstrate to the nation that even a strong, savvy person often needs help breaking the addiction.
Obama could also lead the way on ramping up spending on help for smokers who want to quit. States should be held to their early promises, and health insurers should be required to cover cessation programs.
Years ago, if my struggling father could have had a few hundred bucks worth of physician-supervised cessation treatment -- something he could not afford on his own -- it could have saved tens of thousands of dollars in surgeries and cancer treatment.
Even better, he'd still be here today.
-- Doug Bates, associate editor;
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
The president, like my late father, is a strong and intelligent man. That's the devilish thing about tobacco. You can be the strongest, smartest person in the room, someone like Obama or John Bates, who died last fall, and still not be able to figure out how to kick a powerful addiction to nicotine.
Some smokers manage to do it, of course. And more than a few of them are woefully self-righteous about it.
We saw that last week after Obama, pressed by reporters to talk about his smoking habit, admitted he battles with it "constantly," although he sidestepped the issue of whether he still lights up. That brought forth a barrage of blog posts from former smokers, several of whom slammed the president for being "weak" and lacking in will power.
What bunk. The truth is that precious few smokers can quit without help. And that's where our society continues to have a massive blind spot. Tobacco-caused disease has become the nation's leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 400,000 Americans every year, yet our health care system and federal government do next to nothing to help smokers who want to quit but can't conquer their cruel addiction.
Historically, nicotine addiction has been one of the most difficult of all drug addictions to break. A 1988 Surgeon General's report on it concluded that its pharmacological effects on the brain "are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine."
Ten years after that report, 46 states negotiated more than $246 billion in legal settlements against the tobacco industry for its crippling financial impact on the health care system. At the time, the states promised to spend a significant portion of the money on programs to protect kids from tobacco and help smokers like my dad quit. However, they've spent only 3.2 percent of their tobacco money -- just $6.5 billion -- on prevention and cessation programs.
Oregon ranks among the worst states at breaking this promise. In fiscal year 2009, a period when the state raked in $355 million in tobacco settlement revenue and cigarette taxes, Oregon allocated just 2.7 percent of it to protect kids and help smokers quit.
Dad tried so hard. So did my wife's father, Merle Burton. Both men got hooked on cigarettes while fighting overseas during World War II. By the time they came home they were heavy smokers and kept it up well into the 1970s before deciding to quit.
Neither could do so for long. Lung cancer killed Merle at age 58 in 1978. About that time my dad began trying nicotine patches, nicotine gum and hypnosis, over and over to no avail. The closest thing he ever got to actual help, if you could call it that, was an occasional lecture from his doctor.
Everyone marveled, though, that he never got lung disease. The official cause of death was pancreatic cancer, which doctors said was related to his smoking. He was 84 when we lost him last Oct. 9.
The president would certainly improve his own odds of living that long if he can kick what his aides describe as an "intermittent" smoking habit. In fact, he has a wonderful opportunity to provide some unprecedented leadership on the issue.
Obama has already done much. As a U.S. senator, he co-sponsored an unsuccessful bill to give the Food and Drug Administration broad authority to regulate tobacco products. Just last week, as president, he signed similar legislation recently passed by Congress.
That's huge, historic progress, but Obama could do more -- much, much more.
I'd like to see him enroll, very publicly, in a smoking cessation program. He could speak up about his struggle and demonstrate to the nation that even a strong, savvy person often needs help breaking the addiction.
Obama could also lead the way on ramping up spending on help for smokers who want to quit. States should be held to their early promises, and health insurers should be required to cover cessation programs.
Years ago, if my struggling father could have had a few hundred bucks worth of physician-supervised cessation treatment -- something he could not afford on his own -- it could have saved tens of thousands of dollars in surgeries and cancer treatment.
Even better, he'd still be here today.
-- Doug Bates, associate editor;
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates! SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ron Simon: Who the heck can afford to smoke these days?
A friend of mine is hopelessly addicted to cigarettes. What's worse, he is out of work and not a millionaire.
click here Quantcast
Recently, I stopped at a tobacco shop to buy him a pack or two of the cheapest cigarettes I could find and discovered that a 10-pack carton of fags, as we used to call them, runs close to $50.
Makes you wonder what a nicotine patch would cost. Not that they work all that well.
While an occasional cheap cigar can make my day a little better, I can't imagine what it would be like to consume the three packs a day I was wiping out when I quit close to three decades ago.
It took hypnosis and a lot of luck to kick that habit.
Non-smokers have a hard time seeing just how addictive smoking can be. I imagine non-drinkers have the same attitude about alcoholics.
"Just quit!" one simpleton told me years ago. I could have punched him.
It was too hard for me to do on my own. But coughing fits in the middle of the night and dried blood on my pillow in the morning convinced me to try.
Obviously, I was getting nowhere on my own. So I tried a hypnotist who advertised sure success. She was in Columbus, which may have helped in some odd way.
She told me that if I really wanted to quit (and I sure did) that all I had to do was tap into my willpower. What she provided was the vital link between the desire to quit and the willpower that resided somewhere in my head.
She charged just $100. It's the best money I ever spent.
I tossed a pack of cigarettes into a trash can on the way out of her office. I had smoked nearly 10 cigarettes on the way down. I never had another for years. When I did, just for the heck of it, there was no appeal. No desire to light up another.
Yet I like a cigar now and then. Go figure.
What I asked my inner self to do during that long-ago session, was to quit wanting to light up. I didn't want to be bothered by other smokers. Nor did I want to suddenly eat my way up to 500 pounds.
All three wishes were granted. I went from 170 to 225 and that was acceptable. Older men and potbellies seem to go together like chili and peppers. Just as long as that potbelly doesn't look too obscene.
I know my late wife, Victoria, would never have given me the time of day had I shown up for our first date with a Camel dangling from my lip.
Recently, while portraying the late Ohio Gov. Mordecai Bartley during a living history session at Mansfield Cemetery, I used a lit cigar as a prop. I went through four of them and had to swear off for a week.
Tobacco, even in small amounts, can be pretty awful unless you are hooked.
In days of yore, I would fill a big glass ashtray at work with spent cigarette butts each day.
Tom Brennan, my boss then and now the high poobah at the News Journal, said my trademark was to take a drag of smoke, type a few paragraphs, take another drag and type some more. It went like that all day for years. The big surprise is that I have any lungs left.
The truly big surprise is that people are still smoking.
Ohio has put such heavy taxes on smokes that it is darn near impossible to keep going. So far, cigars haven't been hit that hard. They will be.
I do know that when Ohio voters decided to ban smoking in restaurants and public places, somebody decided to extend the rule to private clubs and to bingo parlors.
The result was a disaster. I know charity money that comes from gambling in private veterans clubs took a plummet when the smoking ban went into effect.
Bingo didn't do so hot, either. Those chain-smoking bingo players sort of faded from sight, and a lot of charitable organizations -- including the Mansfield Memorial Museum -- took a hit.
I do understand that smoking has become fashionable in the Far East. The Marlboro Man is now wearing a different sort of hat.
It would obviously be better to invest in tobacco shares than to indulge in the habit.
Incidentally, somebody once asked me if I inhaled while smoking a cigar.
"Do I look that crazy?"
We all know what happened to the late Marlboro Man.
Ron Simon is a retired News Journal reporter and columnist. Call Simon at 419... or e-mail rsimon@
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
click here Quantcast
Recently, I stopped at a tobacco shop to buy him a pack or two of the cheapest cigarettes I could find and discovered that a 10-pack carton of fags, as we used to call them, runs close to $50.
Makes you wonder what a nicotine patch would cost. Not that they work all that well.
While an occasional cheap cigar can make my day a little better, I can't imagine what it would be like to consume the three packs a day I was wiping out when I quit close to three decades ago.
It took hypnosis and a lot of luck to kick that habit.
Non-smokers have a hard time seeing just how addictive smoking can be. I imagine non-drinkers have the same attitude about alcoholics.
"Just quit!" one simpleton told me years ago. I could have punched him.
It was too hard for me to do on my own. But coughing fits in the middle of the night and dried blood on my pillow in the morning convinced me to try.
Obviously, I was getting nowhere on my own. So I tried a hypnotist who advertised sure success. She was in Columbus, which may have helped in some odd way.
She told me that if I really wanted to quit (and I sure did) that all I had to do was tap into my willpower. What she provided was the vital link between the desire to quit and the willpower that resided somewhere in my head.
She charged just $100. It's the best money I ever spent.
I tossed a pack of cigarettes into a trash can on the way out of her office. I had smoked nearly 10 cigarettes on the way down. I never had another for years. When I did, just for the heck of it, there was no appeal. No desire to light up another.
Yet I like a cigar now and then. Go figure.
What I asked my inner self to do during that long-ago session, was to quit wanting to light up. I didn't want to be bothered by other smokers. Nor did I want to suddenly eat my way up to 500 pounds.
All three wishes were granted. I went from 170 to 225 and that was acceptable. Older men and potbellies seem to go together like chili and peppers. Just as long as that potbelly doesn't look too obscene.
I know my late wife, Victoria, would never have given me the time of day had I shown up for our first date with a Camel dangling from my lip.
Recently, while portraying the late Ohio Gov. Mordecai Bartley during a living history session at Mansfield Cemetery, I used a lit cigar as a prop. I went through four of them and had to swear off for a week.
Tobacco, even in small amounts, can be pretty awful unless you are hooked.
In days of yore, I would fill a big glass ashtray at work with spent cigarette butts each day.
Tom Brennan, my boss then and now the high poobah at the News Journal, said my trademark was to take a drag of smoke, type a few paragraphs, take another drag and type some more. It went like that all day for years. The big surprise is that I have any lungs left.
The truly big surprise is that people are still smoking.
Ohio has put such heavy taxes on smokes that it is darn near impossible to keep going. So far, cigars haven't been hit that hard. They will be.
I do know that when Ohio voters decided to ban smoking in restaurants and public places, somebody decided to extend the rule to private clubs and to bingo parlors.
The result was a disaster. I know charity money that comes from gambling in private veterans clubs took a plummet when the smoking ban went into effect.
Bingo didn't do so hot, either. Those chain-smoking bingo players sort of faded from sight, and a lot of charitable organizations -- including the Mansfield Memorial Museum -- took a hit.
I do understand that smoking has become fashionable in the Far East. The Marlboro Man is now wearing a different sort of hat.
It would obviously be better to invest in tobacco shares than to indulge in the habit.
Incidentally, somebody once asked me if I inhaled while smoking a cigar.
"Do I look that crazy?"
We all know what happened to the late Marlboro Man.
Ron Simon is a retired News Journal reporter and columnist. Call Simon at 419... or e-mail rsimon@
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Sunday, July 26, 2009
E-cigarettes: Cure, or crutch?
The 51-year-old Prince's Bay woman -- who sometimes plans her day around where and when she can smoke, which even she admits is absurd -- has tried to kick her pack-a-day habit "a million different ways" ever since.
Hypnosis and acupuncture failed. She was allergic to the adhesive in nicotine patches, and Chantix -- a smoking-cessation medicine -- made her sick. Cold turkey didn't work either.
Last week, Mrs. Albano took her first puff on an electronic cigarette -- simply known as an e-cigarette.
The battery-powered, tobacco-free, nicotine-delivery device looks like the real thing, right down to the odorless vapor mist. And while e-cigarettes are being criticized by anti-smoking groups and monitored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they are embraced by large numbers trying to quit or avoid bans on lighting up in public.
"My sister got it first, and me and Mom are trying it now," Mrs. Albano said after purchasing a starter kit in the Staten Island Mall at the Smoke Anywhere Kiosk, a cart decorated with gold ribbons to match the product packaging, glossy boutique-style shopping bags and glamour shots of e-cigarette users who might make the Marlboro Man jealous.
"My sister had some spots the doctors thought could have been lung cancer. We just got the good news that it's not. She had a kidney removed due to cancer and we thought it was spreading. It was kind of a wake-up call to all of us."
Starter kits, which typically include the battery-powered cigarette, replaceable cartridges and chargers, range in price from $70 to $150 at mall kiosks or online retailers.
When the user inhales, a heating element is activated, vaporizing the nicotine solution, which comes in a variety of strengths and flavors.
The tip glows red, imitating a real cigarette, but without the odor or secondhand and tar-filled smoke. E-cigarettes can be used in airports, shopping malls, restaurants and movie theaters -- or anywhere a cigarette can't.
"We think this is a reliable and safe alternative to smoking," said Matt Salmon, president of the Electronic Cigarette Association, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group representing an industry on track to make $100 million this year.
"It gives smokers the nicotine they crave, but without all the known carcinogens found in combustible cigarettes."
But some see e-cigarettes as nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
The American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids have joined Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) in calling on the FDA to remove them from the market until they can be tested.
Critics also charge children may be attracted by the e-cigarette's novelty, accessibility and its chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, cherry or mint flavorings.
"These devices haven't been examined by any government agency," said Alberta Brescia, regional vice president of the Staten Island American Cancer Society. "We don't know how the ingredients are affecting the body.
"Many smokers who use [e-cigarettes] also continue to smoke cigarettes, and they are under the false impression that because they are smoking fewer cigarettes, it's OK to keep smoking."
The FDA has banned several shipments of e-cigarettes from coming into the country -- mostly from China, where they have been manufactured for the last five years -- saying the product is a drug-delivery device requiring agency approval before being legally marketed and sold in the United States.
There is also no scientific data documenting the safety of e-cigarettes, a spokeswoman for the agency said.
Anti-smoking groups slam the device, while smokers embrace it
But Salmon said his group's members sell e-cigarettes strictly as an alternative that allows smokers to get their nicotine in a way that is more palatable, not as smoking-cessation products that need federal regulation. They also do not sell to minors, though many non-members play by their own rules.
"There are a lot of anecdotes out there about people kicking the habit, but those aren't claims we're making," said Salmon, a non-smoker who as an Arizona congressman pushed through a state law that was among the nation's first public-smoking bans.
Some companies have taken the FDA to court, arguing the agency has no jurisdiction over e-cigarettes because they are not designed to help people quit.
"You've got special interests out there that see us as a threat or maybe even a displacing technology and they're trying to do everything they can to gear up the FDA and the powers that be here in Washington to protect them," said Salmon, noting his association is not involved in any of the pending litigation.
"Withholding the e-cigarette from the market is like telling someone who chooses to smoke that his or her only legal option is to smoke tobacco," he said. "My feeling is government should try to help people have an alternative, not take them away."
For Mrs. Albano, an executive assistant to the CEO of Thomson Reuters in Manhattan, there is only one reason to power up her e-smoke.
"I think the concept is just perfect for people who want to quit -- and I want to quit."
Stephanie Slepian is a news reporter for the Advance. She may be reached at
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
Anti-smoking groups slam the device, while smokers embrace it
Monday, July 06, 2009
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Susan Albano took her first drag at 15 in a Brooklyn school yard. By her early 20s, she was addicted. By STEPHANIE SLEPIAN
The 51-year-old Prince's Bay woman -- who sometimes plans her day around where and when she can smoke, which even she admits is absurd -- has tried to kick her pack-a-day habit "a million different ways" ever since.
Hypnosis and acupuncture failed. She was allergic to the adhesive in nicotine patches, and Chantix -- a smoking-cessation medicine -- made her sick. Cold turkey didn't work either.
Last week, Mrs. Albano took her first puff on an electronic cigarette -- simply known as an e-cigarette.
The battery-powered, tobacco-free, nicotine-delivery device looks like the real thing, right down to the odorless vapor mist. And while e-cigarettes are being criticized by anti-smoking groups and monitored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they are embraced by large numbers trying to quit or avoid bans on lighting up in public.
"My sister got it first, and me and Mom are trying it now," Mrs. Albano said after purchasing a starter kit in the Staten Island Mall at the Smoke Anywhere Kiosk, a cart decorated with gold ribbons to match the product packaging, glossy boutique-style shopping bags and glamour shots of e-cigarette users who might make the Marlboro Man jealous.
"My sister had some spots the doctors thought could have been lung cancer. We just got the good news that it's not. She had a kidney removed due to cancer and we thought it was spreading. It was kind of a wake-up call to all of us."
Starter kits, which typically include the battery-powered cigarette, replaceable cartridges and chargers, range in price from $70 to $150 at mall kiosks or online retailers.
When the user inhales, a heating element is activated, vaporizing the nicotine solution, which comes in a variety of strengths and flavors.
The tip glows red, imitating a real cigarette, but without the odor or secondhand and tar-filled smoke. E-cigarettes can be used in airports, shopping malls, restaurants and movie theaters -- or anywhere a cigarette can't.
"We think this is a reliable and safe alternative to smoking," said Matt Salmon, president of the Electronic Cigarette Association, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group representing an industry on track to make $100 million this year.
"It gives smokers the nicotine they crave, but without all the known carcinogens found in combustible cigarettes."
But some see e-cigarettes as nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
The American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids have joined Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) in calling on the FDA to remove them from the market until they can be tested.
Critics also charge children may be attracted by the e-cigarette's novelty, accessibility and its chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, cherry or mint flavorings.
"These devices haven't been examined by any government agency," said Alberta Brescia, regional vice president of the Staten Island American Cancer Society. "We don't know how the ingredients are affecting the body.
"Many smokers who use [e-cigarettes] also continue to smoke cigarettes, and they are under the false impression that because they are smoking fewer cigarettes, it's OK to keep smoking."
The FDA has banned several shipments of e-cigarettes from coming into the country -- mostly from China, where they have been manufactured for the last five years -- saying the product is a drug-delivery device requiring agency approval before being legally marketed and sold in the United States.
There is also no scientific data documenting the safety of e-cigarettes, a spokeswoman for the agency said.
Anti-smoking groups slam the device, while smokers embrace it
But Salmon said his group's members sell e-cigarettes strictly as an alternative that allows smokers to get their nicotine in a way that is more palatable, not as smoking-cessation products that need federal regulation. They also do not sell to minors, though many non-members play by their own rules.
"There are a lot of anecdotes out there about people kicking the habit, but those aren't claims we're making," said Salmon, a non-smoker who as an Arizona congressman pushed through a state law that was among the nation's first public-smoking bans.
Some companies have taken the FDA to court, arguing the agency has no jurisdiction over e-cigarettes because they are not designed to help people quit.
"You've got special interests out there that see us as a threat or maybe even a displacing technology and they're trying to do everything they can to gear up the FDA and the powers that be here in Washington to protect them," said Salmon, noting his association is not involved in any of the pending litigation.
"Withholding the e-cigarette from the market is like telling someone who chooses to smoke that his or her only legal option is to smoke tobacco," he said. "My feeling is government should try to help people have an alternative, not take them away."
For Mrs. Albano, an executive assistant to the CEO of Thomson Reuters in Manhattan, there is only one reason to power up her e-smoke.
"I think the concept is just perfect for people who want to quit -- and I want to quit."
Stephanie Slepian is a news reporter for the Advance. She may be reached at
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Spur Of the Moment Quitting Works Too Says Researcher
Listening to how people quit smoking can give you ideas of how to quit yourself
At Ukmedix News we have often written about the importance of planning your smoking cessation attempt because we have seen evidence and listened to experts who tell us that this greatly improves your chances of success. However new evidence from a clinical study suggests that people who give up impulsively on the spur of the moment can also have high rates of success.
Professor Saul Shiffman from the department of psychology and pharmaceutical science based at the University of Pittsburgh explained that according to his research almost 40 percent of people who quit smoking permanently did not actually plan out any smoking cessation strategies and just quit cold turkey immediately. He did however suggest that many of those people who quit spontaneously had in fact subconsciously been very dissatisfied and concerned about their smoking and had been aware that they wanted to stop smoking for some time.
According to Professor Shiffman the results did not discredit the act of planning out a smoking cessation attempt but it did nevertheless remain important that smokers were aware of their weaknesses and took stock of how they were going to deal with situations and scenarios in which they developed strong cravings to smoke. His research was published in the medical journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research and involved 1,700 smokers and ex-smokers.
In fact at Ukmedix News we have often written about how individuals need to come up with their own strategies which work for them. We have called it “Do It Your Own Way” because every single successful quitter has their own story to tell about how they managed to overcome the hurdles of nicotine and psychological addiction to cigarettes, and every story seems to be unique. Listening to how people quit smoking can give you ideas and help you come up with your own strategies for success.
Some people find hypnotherapy effective, others find the use of smoking cessation aids such as nicotine replacement therapy or the medication Champix effective too. Do It Your Own Way ( :
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!

According to Professor Shiffman the results did not discredit the act of planning out a smoking cessation attempt but it did nevertheless remain important that smokers were aware of their weaknesses and took stock of how they were going to deal with situations and scenarios in which they developed strong cravings to smoke. His research was published in the medical journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research and involved 1,700 smokers and ex-smokers.
In fact at Ukmedix News we have often written about how individuals need to come up with their own strategies which work for them. We have called it “Do It Your Own Way” because every single successful quitter has their own story to tell about how they managed to overcome the hurdles of nicotine and psychological addiction to cigarettes, and every story seems to be unique. Listening to how people quit smoking can give you ideas and help you come up with your own strategies for success.
Some people find hypnotherapy effective, others find the use of smoking cessation aids such as nicotine replacement therapy or the medication Champix effective too. Do It Your Own Way ( :
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Friday, July 24, 2009
Project Combat To Beat Smoking In Soldiers
It is important that you find something that works for you.
A novel way to help people quit smoking is being developed by Professor Alexander Prokhorov. An expert in behavioural science, Professor Prokhorov said that his idea (which is specifically designed for soldiers) is to develop an animated video game called Project Combat which will allow soldiers serving in the armed forces around the world to deal with the pressure that quitting smoking brings.
Smoking rates among serving soldiers are higher than normal civilian rates. In the United States army almost 40 percent of soldiers smoke and 15 percent use smokeless tobacco which is also harmful to health. The new video game is designed to help soldiers to deal with withdrawal symptoms and peer pressure problems as well as to take their minds off the stress which accompanies routine military life and going into battle.
Professor Prokhorov speaking recently at the Texas Medical Centre explained that the use of tobacco increased significantly during the Second World War. There is definitely a feeling that when you are in a dangerous war zone the possible health consequences of smoking are insignificant to the overall picture, however in fact continued smoking is probably more likely to kill or injure a soldier than his choice of profession.
As part of the research for this game around 2,000 soldiers based at Fort Hood in Texas will be given it free in order to get feedback and to see how effective it is. At Ukmedix News we believe that this smoking cessation game could be useful but is unlikely to be the only thing required for a heavy smoker to quit. Psychological conditioning in the form of a game could provide a little bit of motivation but at the end of the day you will require your own willpower and determination to quit too.
There are many quit smoking remedies which can be made use of and which can be recommended by doctors such as hypnotherapy, nicotine replacement therapy and the use of the smoking cessation drug Champix. It is important that you find something that works for you.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!

Professor Prokhorov speaking recently at the Texas Medical Centre explained that the use of tobacco increased significantly during the Second World War. There is definitely a feeling that when you are in a dangerous war zone the possible health consequences of smoking are insignificant to the overall picture, however in fact continued smoking is probably more likely to kill or injure a soldier than his choice of profession.
As part of the research for this game around 2,000 soldiers based at Fort Hood in Texas will be given it free in order to get feedback and to see how effective it is. At Ukmedix News we believe that this smoking cessation game could be useful but is unlikely to be the only thing required for a heavy smoker to quit. Psychological conditioning in the form of a game could provide a little bit of motivation but at the end of the day you will require your own willpower and determination to quit too.
There are many quit smoking remedies which can be made use of and which can be recommended by doctors such as hypnotherapy, nicotine replacement therapy and the use of the smoking cessation drug Champix. It is important that you find something that works for you.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Thursday, July 23, 2009
When I snap my fingers, you will laugh out loud
Joe Boccuti is quick to shoot down a popular misconception about hypnosis, that people in a hypnotic trance can do things they wouldn't ordinarily do.
"Completely false," Boccuti says. "If I could do that, I'd have people robbing banks for me all over the country."
Boccuti has taken his talent for tapping into the human subconscious onto the stage with "Hypnosterical," his 75-minute show at Trump Marina.
Boccuti began his career as a hypnotist in a conventional manner. He used the power of suggestion to help people lose weight and quit smoking. But in the course of his practice, the thirtysomething Philadelphia native also realized that people are inherently funny -- and they become even funnier when they're under his hypnotic spell.
That led him out of the office and onto the stage, where he began developing an act in which he is more of a guide than the center of attention. It's the people who willingly climb onstage who are the real stars of the show.
"When you take away their inhibitions and let them let go and just be themselves, you'll be surprised at what will happen," Boccuti said during a pre-show interview.
Boccuti's interest in hypnosis began when he was 11 and had begun having vivid and scary nightmares. He began reading books about dreams, trying to find a way to have only happy ones.
"Over and over, I kept seeing the word "subconscious,' so I started reading books about that," he says.
He learned the subconscious part of the mind is a vast and mostly unexplored area for most people.
When he got serious about pursuing hypnosis as a career, he began studying under established hypnotists, some of whom practiced clinically and others who had become entertainers.
"There's no college or university you can go to, so I learned from the guys who are experts at it, people who had studied the work of the forefathers of hypnosis like (Franz) Mesmer and (Milton) Erickson," he explains.
He also learned how to think quickly and react on stage when something funny or unexpected happens, which it usually does during every "Hypnosterical" performance.
When it's show time, Boccuti bounds onto the stage of the casino's intimate, 462-seat Shell Showroom with the energy of an athlete, the patter of a comedian and a twinkle in his eyes which says he knows what's coming, but the audience doesn't.
From an initial group of about 30 people who willingly take the stage, he weeds out those he feels won't make good subjects. Once under his spell, the volunteers appear to fall asleep on his command. Soon, the stage is littered with sleeping bodies, whom he then awakens and commands to do things such as use one another as pillows or swim like a fish in a bowl.
The show takes an R-rated turn when he suggests the volunteers are strippers auditioning for a job. At one point, he sends them into the audience, where they actually do lap dances with strangers.
Through it all, Boccuti insists nothing in the show is staged or rehearsed.
"I don't use stooges or plants," he says adamantly. "People are funny when you tap into their subconscious. That's why the show is so funny. Because people are different, the show is never the same."
It's the return of "Love Train: The Sound of Philadelphia," featuring The O'Jays, the New Stylistics, Jerry "The Iceman" Butler and other acts with Philly roots in the Event Center at Borgata. Show time is tonight at 8. Tickets are $50, $65 and $85, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Paul Potts, the winner of the first "Britain's Got Talent" TV showcase, will fill the Music Box at Borgata with his big tenor tonight at 9. Tickets are $39.50, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Rock 'n' rolling bass guitar virtuoso Les Claypool will thump onto the stage of the House of Blues at Showboat tonight at 8:30. Tickets are $25 and $30, available through or (800) 736-1420.
The tribute band series will continue at the Hilton with Spread Eagle's tribute to The Eagles tonight at 9. Tickets are $15, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Veteran rockers Stone Temple Pilots, with 15 Top 10 hits over the past 15 years, will land on the stage of Borgata's Events Center Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $95 and $135, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Singer, songwriter and actor Robin Thicke will headline the House of Blues at Showboat Saturday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $30 and $35, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Loverboy, the Canadian rock band that has been bringing it for nearly 30 years, will play the Atlantic City Hilton Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $30, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Comedian Dave Attell will crack wise in Borgata's Music Box Saturday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $35 and $45, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Drake Bell, the actor, comedian and musician who stars on the Nickelodeon series "Drake & Josh," will headline the Tropicana Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $35 to $65, available through or (800) 736-1420.
On-going shows include: Chazz Palminteri starring in "A Bronx Tale" at Harrah's Resort through Aug. 9; "Cirque Dreams: Pandemonia" at Trump Taj Mahal through Sept. 6; "Carnival of Wonders" at Trump Plaza through Sept. 6; and "Fame" at the Tropicana through Sept. 9. For tickets and show times, contact or (800) 736-1420.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
"Completely false," Boccuti says. "If I could do that, I'd have people robbing banks for me all over the country."
Boccuti has taken his talent for tapping into the human subconscious onto the stage with "Hypnosterical," his 75-minute show at Trump Marina.
Boccuti began his career as a hypnotist in a conventional manner. He used the power of suggestion to help people lose weight and quit smoking. But in the course of his practice, the thirtysomething Philadelphia native also realized that people are inherently funny -- and they become even funnier when they're under his hypnotic spell.
That led him out of the office and onto the stage, where he began developing an act in which he is more of a guide than the center of attention. It's the people who willingly climb onstage who are the real stars of the show.
"When you take away their inhibitions and let them let go and just be themselves, you'll be surprised at what will happen," Boccuti said during a pre-show interview.
Boccuti's interest in hypnosis began when he was 11 and had begun having vivid and scary nightmares. He began reading books about dreams, trying to find a way to have only happy ones.
"Over and over, I kept seeing the word "subconscious,' so I started reading books about that," he says.
He learned the subconscious part of the mind is a vast and mostly unexplored area for most people.
When he got serious about pursuing hypnosis as a career, he began studying under established hypnotists, some of whom practiced clinically and others who had become entertainers.
"There's no college or university you can go to, so I learned from the guys who are experts at it, people who had studied the work of the forefathers of hypnosis like (Franz) Mesmer and (Milton) Erickson," he explains.
He also learned how to think quickly and react on stage when something funny or unexpected happens, which it usually does during every "Hypnosterical" performance.
When it's show time, Boccuti bounds onto the stage of the casino's intimate, 462-seat Shell Showroom with the energy of an athlete, the patter of a comedian and a twinkle in his eyes which says he knows what's coming, but the audience doesn't.
From an initial group of about 30 people who willingly take the stage, he weeds out those he feels won't make good subjects. Once under his spell, the volunteers appear to fall asleep on his command. Soon, the stage is littered with sleeping bodies, whom he then awakens and commands to do things such as use one another as pillows or swim like a fish in a bowl.
The show takes an R-rated turn when he suggests the volunteers are strippers auditioning for a job. At one point, he sends them into the audience, where they actually do lap dances with strangers.
Through it all, Boccuti insists nothing in the show is staged or rehearsed.
"I don't use stooges or plants," he says adamantly. "People are funny when you tap into their subconscious. That's why the show is so funny. Because people are different, the show is never the same."
It's the return of "Love Train: The Sound of Philadelphia," featuring The O'Jays, the New Stylistics, Jerry "The Iceman" Butler and other acts with Philly roots in the Event Center at Borgata. Show time is tonight at 8. Tickets are $50, $65 and $85, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Paul Potts, the winner of the first "Britain's Got Talent" TV showcase, will fill the Music Box at Borgata with his big tenor tonight at 9. Tickets are $39.50, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Rock 'n' rolling bass guitar virtuoso Les Claypool will thump onto the stage of the House of Blues at Showboat tonight at 8:30. Tickets are $25 and $30, available through or (800) 736-1420.
The tribute band series will continue at the Hilton with Spread Eagle's tribute to The Eagles tonight at 9. Tickets are $15, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Veteran rockers Stone Temple Pilots, with 15 Top 10 hits over the past 15 years, will land on the stage of Borgata's Events Center Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $95 and $135, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Singer, songwriter and actor Robin Thicke will headline the House of Blues at Showboat Saturday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $30 and $35, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Loverboy, the Canadian rock band that has been bringing it for nearly 30 years, will play the Atlantic City Hilton Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $30, available through or (800) 736-1420.
Comedian Dave Attell will crack wise in Borgata's Music Box Saturday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $35 and $45, available through or ComcastTIX at (877) 544-8499.
Drake Bell, the actor, comedian and musician who stars on the Nickelodeon series "Drake & Josh," will headline the Tropicana Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $35 to $65, available through or (800) 736-1420.
On-going shows include: Chazz Palminteri starring in "A Bronx Tale" at Harrah's Resort through Aug. 9; "Cirque Dreams: Pandemonia" at Trump Taj Mahal through Sept. 6; "Carnival of Wonders" at Trump Plaza through Sept. 6; and "Fame" at the Tropicana through Sept. 9. For tickets and show times, contact or (800) 736-1420.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
NRT: Studies Destroy “Four Times More Likely To Quit With NHS” Claim
2009-07-11 21:06:51 - Freedom2Choose, working with hypnotherapist Chris Holmes, reveals that the continued use of the Department of Health’s claim “you are up to four times more likely to quit with NHS help” has no evidential basis. Freedom2Choose can show that the Department of Health routinely uses misleading statements to promote Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products as its preferred method of treatment for smoking cessation. This promotion is a very costly exercise, at a time of imminent cutbacks to public services.
Belinda Cunnison, of pro-choice group Freedom2Choose, investigated the common claim that you are “four times more likely to quit with NHS”, which is used in most promotional materials for NRT products, and frequently in press releases on the subject of smoking cessation. “I traced this claim to a Department of Health web page,(1) which also claimed a 15 per cent
success rate at 12 months for NRT. The evidence that was supposed to demonstrate this 15 per cent success rate and the ‘four times more likely to quit’ phenomenon was not listed in the footnotes, so I wrote to the Department to ask for it.”
It took over three months to get the information. The following reports were made available by Cameron Gordon of the Department of Health in relation to smoking cessation studies:
• The Ferguson Health Inequalities Reduction Paper(2)
• The Evaluation Report(3)
• The Shiffman Report(4)
• The Cochrane Reviews(5)
• The Hughes Report(6)
• The Borland Report(7)
The documents revealed neither a 15 per cent quit rate at 12 months, nor any evidence that quitting with the NHS is four times more effective than willpower alone. The Borland Report recorded a 12-month success rate of 6.5 per cent (higher rates were achieved only in the smaller scale studies), whereas the largest study done on quitting using willpower alone achieved a rate of around 6 per cent.
“On the government’s own evidence, the claim ‘up to four times more likely to quit with the NHS’ is completely untrue. How can this claim be justified?” continues Belinda Cunnison. “The use of NHS treatments makes almost no difference at all to quitting success. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal(8) has also documented the long-term success rate of NRT at a mere 1.6 per cent. The whole exercise is futile as well as being enormously expensive.”
Freedom2Choose also has evidence that General Practitioners are given payments for patients who set a quit date, and an additional payment for patients who remain quit at four weeks. The payments are listed in NHS Warwickshire’s board report, March 2009.(9) This reflects the urgency of smoking cessation on the Trust’s list of priorities – an unfortunate choice of priority since patients seem just as good at giving up smoking under their own volition as they are with NHS help.
“At a time when we need to economise, particularly in the Health Service, why is our Government pumping tax-payers’ money into a failed product and using misleading claims to the service user?” questions Belinda Cunnison. “Will-power alone has a comparable success rate for those who choose to give up smoking. This is a complete waste of our resources.”
Author and hypnotherapist Chris Holmes(10) agrees and states, “We are exposing a systematic and deliberate policy to seriously mislead the public over the true effectiveness of these services. The actual extent of long term failure was being quietly covered up - which we now know from the Borland report is 94 per cent failure at 12 months - whilst four-week results were shamelessly promoted, even including published 'success rates' as high as 90 per cent. Since they knew that to be the exact opposite of the real outcomes, this is a fraudulent misappropriation of hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money. NRT simply doesn't work.”
1 NHS Stop Smoking Services & Nicotine Replacement Therapy -
2 The Ferguson Health Inequalities Reduction Paper -
3 The Evaluation Report -
4 The Shiffman Report -
5 The Cochrane Reviews -
6 The Hughes Report -
7 The Borland Report -
8 British Medical Journal -
9 NHS Warwickshire, page 7, Appendix 2H - - Page 7, Appendix 2H
10 Chris Holmes: Truth Will Out -
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates!
Belinda Cunnison, of pro-choice group Freedom2Choose, investigated the common claim that you are “four times more likely to quit with NHS”, which is used in most promotional materials for NRT products, and frequently in press releases on the subject of smoking cessation. “I traced this claim to a Department of Health web page,(1) which also claimed a 15 per cent
success rate at 12 months for NRT. The evidence that was supposed to demonstrate this 15 per cent success rate and the ‘four times more likely to quit’ phenomenon was not listed in the footnotes, so I wrote to the Department to ask for it.”
It took over three months to get the information. The following reports were made available by Cameron Gordon of the Department of Health in relation to smoking cessation studies:
• The Ferguson Health Inequalities Reduction Paper(2)
• The Evaluation Report(3)
• The Shiffman Report(4)
• The Cochrane Reviews(5)
• The Hughes Report(6)
• The Borland Report(7)
The documents revealed neither a 15 per cent quit rate at 12 months, nor any evidence that quitting with the NHS is four times more effective than willpower alone. The Borland Report recorded a 12-month success rate of 6.5 per cent (higher rates were achieved only in the smaller scale studies), whereas the largest study done on quitting using willpower alone achieved a rate of around 6 per cent.
“On the government’s own evidence, the claim ‘up to four times more likely to quit with the NHS’ is completely untrue. How can this claim be justified?” continues Belinda Cunnison. “The use of NHS treatments makes almost no difference at all to quitting success. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal(8) has also documented the long-term success rate of NRT at a mere 1.6 per cent. The whole exercise is futile as well as being enormously expensive.”
Freedom2Choose also has evidence that General Practitioners are given payments for patients who set a quit date, and an additional payment for patients who remain quit at four weeks. The payments are listed in NHS Warwickshire’s board report, March 2009.(9) This reflects the urgency of smoking cessation on the Trust’s list of priorities – an unfortunate choice of priority since patients seem just as good at giving up smoking under their own volition as they are with NHS help.
“At a time when we need to economise, particularly in the Health Service, why is our Government pumping tax-payers’ money into a failed product and using misleading claims to the service user?” questions Belinda Cunnison. “Will-power alone has a comparable success rate for those who choose to give up smoking. This is a complete waste of our resources.”
Author and hypnotherapist Chris Holmes(10) agrees and states, “We are exposing a systematic and deliberate policy to seriously mislead the public over the true effectiveness of these services. The actual extent of long term failure was being quietly covered up - which we now know from the Borland report is 94 per cent failure at 12 months - whilst four-week results were shamelessly promoted, even including published 'success rates' as high as 90 per cent. Since they knew that to be the exact opposite of the real outcomes, this is a fraudulent misappropriation of hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money. NRT simply doesn't work.”
1 NHS Stop Smoking Services & Nicotine Replacement Therapy -
2 The Ferguson Health Inequalities Reduction Paper -
3 The Evaluation Report -
4 The Shiffman Report -
5 The Cochrane Reviews -
6 The Hughes Report -
7 The Borland Report -
8 British Medical Journal -
9 NHS Warwickshire, page 7, Appendix 2H - - Page 7, Appendix 2H
10 Chris Holmes: Truth Will Out -
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. Subscribe to Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London Courses now to get more updates!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Seminar explains how hypnosis may help
David Prudhomme, the director of Mederi Wellness in Port Clinton is presenting his free seminar on hypnosis and hypnotherapy called "Your Best Life Now." The seminar will be presented from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, at the Magruder Hospital Conference Center, Conference Room B, 615 Fulton St., Port Clinton.
The free one-hour seminar explains how hypnosis has helped millions of people successfully lose weight, stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, manage their pain and even improve their sleep. Prudhomme will explain the latest facts about hypnosis and the myths and misconceptions about hypnosis. The American Medical Association has approved hypnosis since 1958.
A study presented Oct. 22, 2007 at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians found that hypnosis was more than twice as effective as quitting "cold turkey," and over three times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy.
Hypnosis has helped millions of people easily quit smoking for good after the first session, without gaining weight and without the need for will power. Hypnosis allows a person to change their subconscious mind to match their conscious desire to be a non-smoker.
Bev Krofft explains her experience of hypnosis to stop smoking, "I thought I would be a hard nut to crack when it came to quitting smoking. I smoked for 37 years. I was tired of cigarettes controlling my life. I couldn't sleep more than two hours at a time, my hair and clothes smelled, my car smelled. I tried many times to quit smoking. I am a happier person and it feels good to be in control again. I do not have the urge to smoke and I can be around people who do smoke and it doesn't bother me."
The Journal of Clinical Psychology reported that in a recent study weight loss subjects who utilized hypnosis as an adjunct to their weight loss programs experienced significantly more weight loss than the subjects who did not use hypnosis. The benefits increased over time.
Hypnosis can help a person lose weight easily and permanently without dieting. Hypnosis allows a person to easily let go of their cravings for sweets, unhealthy snacks or emotional eating patterns. In hypnosis a person's subconscious mind accepts and creates new healthy patterns and habits. According to Prudhomme, people should stop feeling bad or beating themselves up, because the fact is will power doesn't work.
David Prudhomme is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and a certified master practitioner of Neural Linguistic Programming.
Register for the seminars at or by calling

Attendees will receive a 25 percent discount off hypnosis by attending this seminar.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
The free one-hour seminar explains how hypnosis has helped millions of people successfully lose weight, stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, manage their pain and even improve their sleep. Prudhomme will explain the latest facts about hypnosis and the myths and misconceptions about hypnosis. The American Medical Association has approved hypnosis since 1958.
A study presented Oct. 22, 2007 at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians found that hypnosis was more than twice as effective as quitting "cold turkey," and over three times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy.
Hypnosis has helped millions of people easily quit smoking for good after the first session, without gaining weight and without the need for will power. Hypnosis allows a person to change their subconscious mind to match their conscious desire to be a non-smoker.
Bev Krofft explains her experience of hypnosis to stop smoking, "I thought I would be a hard nut to crack when it came to quitting smoking. I smoked for 37 years. I was tired of cigarettes controlling my life. I couldn't sleep more than two hours at a time, my hair and clothes smelled, my car smelled. I tried many times to quit smoking. I am a happier person and it feels good to be in control again. I do not have the urge to smoke and I can be around people who do smoke and it doesn't bother me."
The Journal of Clinical Psychology reported that in a recent study weight loss subjects who utilized hypnosis as an adjunct to their weight loss programs experienced significantly more weight loss than the subjects who did not use hypnosis. The benefits increased over time.
Hypnosis can help a person lose weight easily and permanently without dieting. Hypnosis allows a person to easily let go of their cravings for sweets, unhealthy snacks or emotional eating patterns. In hypnosis a person's subconscious mind accepts and creates new healthy patterns and habits. According to Prudhomme, people should stop feeling bad or beating themselves up, because the fact is will power doesn't work.
David Prudhomme is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and a certified master practitioner of Neural Linguistic Programming.
Register for the seminars at or by calling

Attendees will receive a 25 percent discount off hypnosis by attending this seminar.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
American Lung Association,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Department of Health,
federal tobacco legislation,
Health insurance providers,
lung cancer,
mental addiction,
Quit Smoking,
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy London,
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy, alternative medicine at local center
Trying to quit smoking for the fifth time? Ready to overcome your fears of heights or flying? Or, maybe you just lack the confidence to perform well in sports.
A good hypnotherapist can help many folks make such life changes.
Roanoke-based health consultant and hypnotherapist Kweethai Neill said that alternative medicine has not only become more popular over the years, but more practical for many.
"Hypnotherapy is becoming more popular because of the high cost of medical care, and people are tired of taking too much medication," said Neill, who has clients from all over the Metroplex.
"Alternative and complementary modalities of health care are serving many people who want to take responsibility for their health," Neill said.
Neill, who has had her office in the area for the past two years, came back to the area after moving to Georgia when her husband was transferred.
Before her current profession, she was a health professor at the University of North Texas and then Texas Woman’s University.
These days, as a health consultant, Neill said she helps clients become healthier in their lifestyles by teaching them how to behave in healthier ways.
"More than half the time, our health status is a result of how we act," she said. "The foods we eat, whether or not we are physically active, how we cope with stress and how we handle personal and work relationships."
Neill said that after many years as a health professor and researcher, she has learned that knowledge does not always translate into changed behavior.
In her mind, that’s exactly where hypnotherapy comes in.
"The clients I see are usually highly intelligent people. Many are very successful in their careers, yet they are somehow stuck," she said. "My work as a clinical hypnotherapist is to help them get into their subconscious mind to find out where they are stuck, or what is preventing them to make the changes they desire and help them get over it. Simply put, I help them put their spirit in order."
As for all the television shows depicting people being under hypnosis or in a deep trance and somehow being manipulated, Neill said it’s not true.
"Hypnosis is really a natural state of consciousness," she said. "Everyone engages in hypnosis sometime or other."
Neill also points out that the correct term is being in — not under — hypnosis. The "trance state" is perfectly natural and normal, she adds.
"When you are in trance, whether it is self-hypnosis or facilitated by a hypnotherapist, your brain slows down, and you experience a profoundly peaceful state of relaxation," she said.
"One thing I can say, every client can attest to how enjoyably relaxing it is to be hypnotized."
So whether it’s weight loss, the desire to stop smoking, the reduction of fear, craving, anxiety or phobias or even to provide help with grief, traumas and performance anxieties, hypnotherapy really can change a person’s life, Neill said — if the person will let it.
For Neill, her way of doing that is helping a person change from inside out.
"When your spirit is in order, your life will be in order," she adds.
Even with the recession in full swing, Neill said her client base is steady and growing everyday as more people are discovering that hypnosis is a natural and safe medical alternative.
"There are no drugs to take and no needles to poke you," Neill said. "Those who don’t believe in hypnotherapy generally have very little knowledge on the subject. If they are willing, I will educate them.
"No one leaves my office without experiencing a change. Since it is the client’s subconscious that directs each session, success is really the client’s responsibility, not mine."
Rita Cook is a special contributor to The Keller Citizen.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
A good hypnotherapist can help many folks make such life changes.
Roanoke-based health consultant and hypnotherapist Kweethai Neill said that alternative medicine has not only become more popular over the years, but more practical for many.
"Hypnotherapy is becoming more popular because of the high cost of medical care, and people are tired of taking too much medication," said Neill, who has clients from all over the Metroplex.
"Alternative and complementary modalities of health care are serving many people who want to take responsibility for their health," Neill said.
Neill, who has had her office in the area for the past two years, came back to the area after moving to Georgia when her husband was transferred.
Before her current profession, she was a health professor at the University of North Texas and then Texas Woman’s University.
These days, as a health consultant, Neill said she helps clients become healthier in their lifestyles by teaching them how to behave in healthier ways.
"More than half the time, our health status is a result of how we act," she said. "The foods we eat, whether or not we are physically active, how we cope with stress and how we handle personal and work relationships."
Neill said that after many years as a health professor and researcher, she has learned that knowledge does not always translate into changed behavior.
In her mind, that’s exactly where hypnotherapy comes in.
"The clients I see are usually highly intelligent people. Many are very successful in their careers, yet they are somehow stuck," she said. "My work as a clinical hypnotherapist is to help them get into their subconscious mind to find out where they are stuck, or what is preventing them to make the changes they desire and help them get over it. Simply put, I help them put their spirit in order."
As for all the television shows depicting people being under hypnosis or in a deep trance and somehow being manipulated, Neill said it’s not true.
"Hypnosis is really a natural state of consciousness," she said. "Everyone engages in hypnosis sometime or other."
Neill also points out that the correct term is being in — not under — hypnosis. The "trance state" is perfectly natural and normal, she adds.
"When you are in trance, whether it is self-hypnosis or facilitated by a hypnotherapist, your brain slows down, and you experience a profoundly peaceful state of relaxation," she said.
"One thing I can say, every client can attest to how enjoyably relaxing it is to be hypnotized."
So whether it’s weight loss, the desire to stop smoking, the reduction of fear, craving, anxiety or phobias or even to provide help with grief, traumas and performance anxieties, hypnotherapy really can change a person’s life, Neill said — if the person will let it.
For Neill, her way of doing that is helping a person change from inside out.
"When your spirit is in order, your life will be in order," she adds.
Even with the recession in full swing, Neill said her client base is steady and growing everyday as more people are discovering that hypnosis is a natural and safe medical alternative.
"There are no drugs to take and no needles to poke you," Neill said. "Those who don’t believe in hypnotherapy generally have very little knowledge on the subject. If they are willing, I will educate them.
"No one leaves my office without experiencing a change. Since it is the client’s subconscious that directs each session, success is really the client’s responsibility, not mine."
Rita Cook is a special contributor to The Keller Citizen.
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Changing patterned behaviors
"I learned when I was focused that I could break two boards with my palm," she said of her time learning tae kwon do. "When my mind wasn't focused, I could not break those boards."
So, when it came time for the Plainfield woman to add tools to her practice, hypnotherapy seemed like a perfect complement.
"It ties in well, there is a physiological process going on," she said. "Hypnotherapy actually allows the person to kind of take a break from their left brain chatter.
"It's a heightened state of being in the present."
Hypnotherapy in the clinical sense is used to change patterns of behavior. For example, if a client is looking to quit smoking or better control weight, hypnotherapy can be a useful tool.
Linda Herrick, owner of Alternative Soulutions in Plainfield, recently began offering hypnotherapy as well.
"My mom died last year from stage four lung cancer; she could not stop smoking," she said. "So, I wanted to help people stop smoking."
It was one of the first classes she added after becoming a certified hypnotherapist.
She said when people drive cars they get used to how the cars are laid out: where the gear shift is, how the windows roll down, etc. When a person gets into someone else's car, the person automatically reaches to the same areas, because of conditioning. It is like that with many things.
In addition to a smoking cessation class, Herrick also teaches hypnosis for weight management. She said emotional links to eating are reprogrammed by hypnotherapy.
"Everyone has emotional triggers to food," she said. "(Hypnotherapy) helps to separate the emotional triggers to it.
"It helps you shift into a more healthy lifestyle and helps that lifestyle to feel good."
"In reality, it's just the opposite; it's teaching the person to be in control."
Herrick agrees that her clients have the same fears.
"Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, when your mind is in theta," she said, comparing it to sleep. "Hypnosis is to get into that mental state to talk to your subconscious."
No one will bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken unless it is something they would have done anyway. And, none of those kinds of stage tricks are used in therapeutic hypnosis.
"There's no dangers in hypnosis," she said. "No one can have their will control you."
For information on Zilly, visit or call

. For information on Herrick, visit or call 

This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
By DAWN AULET For The Herald News
Diana Zilly learned about the power of the human mind while she was still working on her degree to be a counselor."I learned when I was focused that I could break two boards with my palm," she said of her time learning tae kwon do. "When my mind wasn't focused, I could not break those boards."
So, when it came time for the Plainfield woman to add tools to her practice, hypnotherapy seemed like a perfect complement.
"It ties in well, there is a physiological process going on," she said. "Hypnotherapy actually allows the person to kind of take a break from their left brain chatter.
"It's a heightened state of being in the present."
Hypnotherapy in the clinical sense is used to change patterns of behavior. For example, if a client is looking to quit smoking or better control weight, hypnotherapy can be a useful tool.
Linda Herrick, owner of Alternative Soulutions in Plainfield, recently began offering hypnotherapy as well.
"My mom died last year from stage four lung cancer; she could not stop smoking," she said. "So, I wanted to help people stop smoking."
It was one of the first classes she added after becoming a certified hypnotherapist.
Changing behaviors
Hypnotherapy helps to give clients alternatives to what has become conditioned behavior.Zilly said the idea of conditioning happens every day. She said when people drive cars they get used to how the cars are laid out: where the gear shift is, how the windows roll down, etc. When a person gets into someone else's car, the person automatically reaches to the same areas, because of conditioning. It is like that with many things.
In addition to a smoking cessation class, Herrick also teaches hypnosis for weight management. She said emotional links to eating are reprogrammed by hypnotherapy.
"Everyone has emotional triggers to food," she said. "(Hypnotherapy) helps to separate the emotional triggers to it.
"It helps you shift into a more healthy lifestyle and helps that lifestyle to feel good."
Perhaps one of the biggest worries Zilly hears from prospective clients is that they will not be in control when they are under hypnosis."I've found the main fear that people have is a perceived lack of control," she said. "That is stage hypnotism."In reality, it's just the opposite; it's teaching the person to be in control."
Herrick agrees that her clients have the same fears.
"Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, when your mind is in theta," she said, comparing it to sleep. "Hypnosis is to get into that mental state to talk to your subconscious."
No one will bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken unless it is something they would have done anyway. And, none of those kinds of stage tricks are used in therapeutic hypnosis.
"There's no dangers in hypnosis," she said. "No one can have their will control you."
For information on Zilly, visit or call

This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
Friday, July 17, 2009
How Does Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Work?
Bearded boffins and the down to earth “man on the street” all ponder this question from time to time. In fact this has been going on for close to 200 years. How does hypnosis work? Does hypnosis even work for that matter? The various theories and myths continue, with skeptics and fanatics alike. Despite all this rhetoric, no one has even so far managed to come up with an accepted definition of exactly what hypnosis is.
So we don’t know what it is and we don’t know how it works. Not a great start really. This may be why there is so much misinformation about the subject. There is room to maneuver the facts. Room to create interesting and sensational stories, even of the truth is erm…pushed aside a little.
Perhaps we need to see the bigger picture. To understand exactly how hypnosis works, we need to ultimately discover how the human mind works. Due to the immense power and complexity of the human mind, this is practically impossible right now, leaving many of the workings of hypnosis a mystery.
Psychiatrists do understand the general characteristics of hypnosis, and they have some model of how it works. It is commonly accepted that it is a trance state that is characterised by greater suggestibility, relaxation and increased imagination. It is a natural state of mind rather like daydreaming. You are fully conscious, but you become consciously unaware of most of the stimuli around you. This is rather like when you are deeply absorbed in a book or film, and cannot hear someone trying to talk to you.
The problems of explaining how hypnosis works are compounded by the fact that everyone’s experience of hypnosis is unique, and the readiness and ability of patients to be hypnotised varies considerably. Hypnosis is the very opposite of a trip down to McDonald’s - no two experiences are exactly the same. In one case it might be a Chicken Bhuna, and the next a seafood soufflé. However modern technology is beginning to allow us to take a deeper look, and almost peer inside the mind at what is actually happening to the brain whilst in hypnosis.
Recently the University of Geneva published a study in the journal ‘Neuron’ using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for a series of hypnotic studies. They noted that there were differences in the activity of the brain when a subject was placed in a hypnotic trance.
The researchers used fMRI to scan brains of 12 people who were tested on hand movement before and after being hypnotised for left hand paralysis.
Despite the paralysis, neurons in the motor cortex region were still firing in preparation for the task. However the cortex appeared to be ignoring parts of the brain that it normally communicates with for controlling movement.
These results suggest that hypnosis does not inhibit the motor cortex and directly stop the hand from moving. It seems like the hypnotic suggestions allow the individual to choose to have left arm paralysis.
This makes sense from my observations of being a clinical hypnotherapist for many years. It is commonly accepted in hypnosis that a hypnotherapist cannot actually make a subject change. They can only facilitate it. For example a clinical hypnotherapist could do a very good and professional job with a quit smoking session. However the subject can choose to ignore this and immediately light up after the session. They can (and sometimes do) take the attitude “I’ll show them that I can still smoke…puff…see it doesn’t work”. It’s rather like deliberately paying to go and watch your least favourite musician and booing all the way through – a waste of your own time and money. If they really want to quit, and accept the therapy rather than fight against it, then they will find it relatively easy to quit. But they always seem to have the choice.
And I think it’s good that the subject can ultimately choose. What if their nagging spouse sent them to see me when they did not really want to quite smoking? They could ultimately exercise a choice. After the session they may on reflection decide their spouse was indeed right and quit, or they may wave to them with a two cigarette salute and continue. I’m very comfortable with this. I don’t personally want to be part of ‘making’ someone change.
This runs counter to some popular myths of hypnosis that are sometimes portrayed in the media. For example the classic clucking like a chicken when the doorbell sounds. In reality the person has a choice, and if they don’t want to, then they can easily resist any poultry related urges. If an emergency should break out whilst a subject is in hypnosis, then they can easily snap out and deal with it in an appropriate way.
This is rather like what is commonly termed ‘highway hypnosis’. This is where a person can drive a distance of many miles without remembering the journey. Does this sound familiar? They are literally in a natural hypnotic trance whilst driving. If during that journey something happens where the driver needs to react, then this is no problem. The driver will immediately snap out of the trance and respond accordingly.
There are still many questions regarding hypnotherapy and how it actually works. It would seem that hypnosis can help us make changes, but ultimately it is up to use to choose whether to accept these changes. Modern technology is beginning to help us to uncover more of the answers, but there is still a long way to go. A stronger scientific foundation for hypnotherapy can only help people realise what a powerful and effective form of therapy it really is, and dispel some of the myths that are plainly untrue.
Click here for details of online hypnosis
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
So we don’t know what it is and we don’t know how it works. Not a great start really. This may be why there is so much misinformation about the subject. There is room to maneuver the facts. Room to create interesting and sensational stories, even of the truth is erm…pushed aside a little.
Perhaps we need to see the bigger picture. To understand exactly how hypnosis works, we need to ultimately discover how the human mind works. Due to the immense power and complexity of the human mind, this is practically impossible right now, leaving many of the workings of hypnosis a mystery.
Psychiatrists do understand the general characteristics of hypnosis, and they have some model of how it works. It is commonly accepted that it is a trance state that is characterised by greater suggestibility, relaxation and increased imagination. It is a natural state of mind rather like daydreaming. You are fully conscious, but you become consciously unaware of most of the stimuli around you. This is rather like when you are deeply absorbed in a book or film, and cannot hear someone trying to talk to you.
The problems of explaining how hypnosis works are compounded by the fact that everyone’s experience of hypnosis is unique, and the readiness and ability of patients to be hypnotised varies considerably. Hypnosis is the very opposite of a trip down to McDonald’s - no two experiences are exactly the same. In one case it might be a Chicken Bhuna, and the next a seafood soufflé. However modern technology is beginning to allow us to take a deeper look, and almost peer inside the mind at what is actually happening to the brain whilst in hypnosis.
Recently the University of Geneva published a study in the journal ‘Neuron’ using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for a series of hypnotic studies. They noted that there were differences in the activity of the brain when a subject was placed in a hypnotic trance.
The researchers used fMRI to scan brains of 12 people who were tested on hand movement before and after being hypnotised for left hand paralysis.
Despite the paralysis, neurons in the motor cortex region were still firing in preparation for the task. However the cortex appeared to be ignoring parts of the brain that it normally communicates with for controlling movement.
These results suggest that hypnosis does not inhibit the motor cortex and directly stop the hand from moving. It seems like the hypnotic suggestions allow the individual to choose to have left arm paralysis.
This makes sense from my observations of being a clinical hypnotherapist for many years. It is commonly accepted in hypnosis that a hypnotherapist cannot actually make a subject change. They can only facilitate it. For example a clinical hypnotherapist could do a very good and professional job with a quit smoking session. However the subject can choose to ignore this and immediately light up after the session. They can (and sometimes do) take the attitude “I’ll show them that I can still smoke…puff…see it doesn’t work”. It’s rather like deliberately paying to go and watch your least favourite musician and booing all the way through – a waste of your own time and money. If they really want to quit, and accept the therapy rather than fight against it, then they will find it relatively easy to quit. But they always seem to have the choice.
And I think it’s good that the subject can ultimately choose. What if their nagging spouse sent them to see me when they did not really want to quite smoking? They could ultimately exercise a choice. After the session they may on reflection decide their spouse was indeed right and quit, or they may wave to them with a two cigarette salute and continue. I’m very comfortable with this. I don’t personally want to be part of ‘making’ someone change.
This runs counter to some popular myths of hypnosis that are sometimes portrayed in the media. For example the classic clucking like a chicken when the doorbell sounds. In reality the person has a choice, and if they don’t want to, then they can easily resist any poultry related urges. If an emergency should break out whilst a subject is in hypnosis, then they can easily snap out and deal with it in an appropriate way.
This is rather like what is commonly termed ‘highway hypnosis’. This is where a person can drive a distance of many miles without remembering the journey. Does this sound familiar? They are literally in a natural hypnotic trance whilst driving. If during that journey something happens where the driver needs to react, then this is no problem. The driver will immediately snap out of the trance and respond accordingly.
There are still many questions regarding hypnotherapy and how it actually works. It would seem that hypnosis can help us make changes, but ultimately it is up to use to choose whether to accept these changes. Modern technology is beginning to help us to uncover more of the answers, but there is still a long way to go. A stronger scientific foundation for hypnotherapy can only help people realise what a powerful and effective form of therapy it really is, and dispel some of the myths that are plainly untrue.
Click here for details of online hypnosis
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Class will use hypnosis to help smokers quit
The Albany Parks & Recreation Department is offering a Stop Smoking with Hypnosis class for adults from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, at the Albany Senior Center, 489 Water Ave. N.W.
The program was developed over more than 21 years and has a high success rate. The class is taught by Howard Hamilton, a board certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and a member of the board of directors of the Oregon Hypnotherapy Association.
Cost is $65 for participants who live outside the Albany city limits or $49 for Albany residents. An audio conditioning, reinforcing recording is included.
For information or to register, call

(541) 917-7777
or visit
This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
The program was developed over more than 21 years and has a high success rate. The class is taught by Howard Hamilton, a board certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and a member of the board of directors of the Oregon Hypnotherapy Association.
Cost is $65 for participants who live outside the Albany city limits or $49 for Albany residents. An audio conditioning, reinforcing recording is included.
For information or to register, call

This is a nicely written article for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists in London. SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW!
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