Thursday, July 9, 2009

DKos Quit Smoking Day: The GUS Group

SAVE YOUR LIFE NOW! GRAB YOUR HOW TO QUIT SMOKING IN A WEEK FLAT BOOK NOW! he purpose of this diary is to announce a DKos quit smoking challenge. The day starts tomorrow (June 15th) and anyone is invited to join in the fun. For you current smokers, you now have an additional incentive to quit. This effort was inspired by a fellow Kossack (Rosebuddear) who has documented her recent efforts with the very difficult task of quitting smoking cigarettes. The effort can be followed here. Day 1, Day 2,Day 5. Let us now stop here for thunderous applause, screaming loud hoots and hollers in support of Rosebuddear.
A collection of people have decided to follow Rosebuddear's example, the GUS group (Gave Up Smoking). The initial announcement was made last night by bsmechanic here, bsmechanic's diary. Check it out, it's very good.
Anyway, here's the deal.
Any current smokers are invited to join us in this attempt to give up this disgusting habit. A diary will be posted starting tomorrow and you are welcome to post your progress, your experiences, the tough times and the good times. The idea is we support each other and have some fun in the process. We will follow our progress on a daily basis, at least at first, and cheer our success at the end (when is the end ?). Former smokers and non-smokers are of course invited to chime in also.
This is short notice for sure. Let's just say someone is in the middle of some tough times...going through a divorce with the job layoff coming unless you work 96 hrs a week and your best dog is going down hill fast with your car breaking down and your house has a leaking roof with the septic system backing up and your hot water heater just blew up. Maybe it is not your best time for this. We hope to demonstrate by our success for anyone who can not join tomorrow, an example to repeat at a later date.
Here is a preview of what is to come.

Want to quit smoking and need some motivation? Cigarettes are now at around $ 7.00/pack depending on your your location. This is putting your drug habit in the range of having to hold up liquor stores to support your addiction. Both cigarette smoking and holding up liquor stores have the potential to have significant effects on your health as well as your social life. (snark warning for the sarcasm impaired) Let us list some more motives.
As a smoker:
You stink
Your house stinks
Your car stinks
Your clothes stink
Your breath stinks
You support big tobacco profits
bsmechanic referenced the beneficial effects of quiting smoking
*Within 20 minutes of the last cigarette, blood pressure drops to its baseline level. Pulse rate also drops, and the body temperature of the hands and feet increases to normal healthy levels.
*Within eight hours, carbon monoxide levels return to normal in your blood stream. Oxygen levels also increase back to normal.
*Within 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack decreases.
*Within 48 hours, nerve endings start regrowing, and your senses of taste and smell improve.
*Within 72 hours bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier. Lung capacity increases a little, too.
*By two weeks to three months, circulation improves. Walking becomes easier, and lung function increases up to 30 percent.
*By one to nine months, coughing, sinus infections, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease markedly. Cilia regrow in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs and reduce the risk of infection. Your energy level will also increase.
From U.S. Army Medical Department - Office of the Surgeon General
Go ahead and list some more reasons to quit smoking in your comments. If you want to join in, go out and stock up on fresh fruit, get your preferred nicotine substitute and smoke up your current stash. We'll start to quit Monday morning.
Update [2009-6-14 11:52:44 by bgblcklab1]:
The rec list...HOLY SMOKES!!
Here are some of the links I promised. They were posted in the earlier diaries of Rosebuddear. Thanks to all of the readers who posted them.
Quit Smoking Online
Become an Ex
The Quit Library
finding a quit line
This is a very good news for those who want to Stop and Quit Smoking with the use of Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Courses, methods and aids with the help of hypnotherapists.


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