Friday, July 24, 2009

Project Combat To Beat Smoking In Soldiers

It is important that you find something that works for you.
A novel way to help people quit smoking is being developed by Professor Alexander Prokhorov. An expert in behavioural science, Professor Prokhorov said that his idea (which is specifically designed for soldiers) is to develop an animated video game called Project Combat which will allow soldiers serving in the armed forces around the world to deal with the pressure that quitting smoking brings.
Project Combat To Beat Smoking In Soldiers
Smoking rates among serving soldiers are higher than normal civilian rates. In the United States army almost 40 percent of soldiers smoke and 15 percent use smokeless tobacco which is also harmful to health. The new video game is designed to help soldiers to deal with withdrawal symptoms and peer pressure problems as well as to take their minds off the stress which accompanies routine military life and going into battle.
Professor Prokhorov speaking recently at the Texas Medical Centre explained that the use of tobacco increased significantly during the Second World War. There is definitely a feeling that when you are in a dangerous war zone the possible health consequences of smoking are insignificant to the overall picture, however in fact continued smoking is probably more likely to kill or injure a soldier than his choice of profession.
As part of the research for this game around 2,000 soldiers based at Fort Hood in Texas will be given it free in order to get feedback and to see how effective it is. At Ukmedix News we believe that this smoking cessation game could be useful but is unlikely to be the only thing required for a heavy smoker to quit. Psychological conditioning in the form of a game could provide a little bit of motivation but at the end of the day you will require your own willpower and determination to quit too.
There are many quit smoking remedies which can be made use of and which can be recommended by doctors such as hypnotherapy, nicotine replacement therapy and the use of the smoking cessation drug Champix. It is important that you find something that works for you.


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